28 February 2011

Weirdness Goggles

I’ve decided that I want to develop a conscious bias for weird things that happen to me.

Today, while waiting for the light to change so I could cross the street, a man stopped to stand next to me. He was holding a hand towel to his face in lieu of a scarf, which I thought was weird… and then he started talking to me.

“Excuse me… is that light red or green?” he asked in English (I live in a non-English speaking country.)

“It’s green.” I just chalked it up to him being a tourist and maybe being colorblind.

Then a woman walked past us with her Rottweiler/Labrador mix in tow. The man just stared at them until they were a good distance from us, then turned to me and said “That dog is dangerous!!!”

“Nah,” I said, having just spent a weekend with a dog-lover. “It depends on the owner.”

“No! It is dangerous! That dog should not be here!” He then started inching away, glaring suspiciously at me and glancing nervously at the direction the dog had gone to.

Maybe I should make a giant speech bubble out of cardboard. Inside it I shall paint the first thought that almost always comes to mind when this type of thing happens:


18 February 2011

Is This My Mojo Returning?

There resides a genius in my subconscious mind.

I dreamt I went to a hotel with a group of people. To our great surprise we were welcomed by none other than The Tenth Doctor. I then jumped at him and gave him a rather bone-crushing hug (and perhaps maybe sniffed his neck in the process notthatI'ddothatifevergiventhechance*cough*--) That done, he informed us - with the help of some flashy props - that the hotel was called The Temporal Paradox Hotel.

Then later on, there was something about a really nice red car, and I thought “please don’t vandalize that, that is such a nice car.” Then the driver/owner of said car went to get some snacks from the reception area where The Doctor (who now looked like Spike from Cowboy Bebop) was hanging out. The guy then forgot one of his chips, so The Doctor raced down after him to give it back, but couldn’t find him anywhere. So The Doctor went back in time to the night before to give the guy back his chips.

Et voila: a temporal paradox. Because if the guy got his snacks from The Doctor already that night, then he wouldn’t have needed to go to the reception in the first place, thereby never meeting The Doctor and so on.

Brain, you rock.

14 February 2011

Is This How Time Normally Passes?


Roughly 9,2 million seconds…

154,080 minutes…

2568 hours…

15 weekends…

3 months…