25 September 2008

Stay: Encore

I have memories
To keep me alive
But the soul gets parched
And needs fresh water

Just the mere thought of it
Wracks me with pain

I wish to shed tears
But I won't let them fall
Because I fear
They might make it true

Please don't ever leave
Because I need you


Please don't leave
For my happiness
Gravitates around you

You are my light
My fountain of joy
My source of bliss

I am well aware
This was only borrowed time
But I wish this time
Would go much slower

I refuse to think
Of your departure
Because I need you to stay

You are my reason
For everything good
My heart will burst of sorrow
If it's finally goodbye

But please don't ever leave
Because I need you

22 September 2008


I am sick.

Well, ill.

Flu has struck me again. But I won't let it overpower me... at least, not until Saturday.
I really, REALLY need to be healthy on Friday.

So yeah. I'm here, my head wants to spin but my body won't allow it. I have butterflies in my stomach and they've been here since... well, since LAST MONTH. They won't go away... they won't! ;_;

But it's all good.

As of now I want nothing more than to burrow my way into my blankets, and then croak and die. But I won't do that as of yet.

I want to do a lot of things, but this horrible feeling just won't let up! Damn it!

I did watch the Extended DVDs of LoTR: The Two Towers. Awesome stuff. My head kept lolling back and forth though. And I had to kick the blanket away, then cover myself with it again. Horrible. Too warm to stay in, too cold to stay out. I hate it when that happens.

And that is really it.

I would write all about last Saturday, when I went to the Sci-Fi Con... but I'll save that for later... when my head's a bit more normal.

18 September 2008

IQ Test

I took an IQ test today, mainly because I just fancied taking one.

It was the International High IQ Society test.

Anyway, it gave me this:

Predictably enough, my reaction was; "WHAT?!"

Then when the initial shock had passed, I felt rather proud! :D

And this was only a spur of the moment thing! Imagine if I had actually prepared for this!

[UPDATE: Because I suddenly realized that I wanted to sign up for this thing, I took the test again.

And guess what?

I scored higher xD

16 September 2008

In Debt To My Muse

How many times have I posted today?

My muse is on a roll today.

Thankee, Nepenthe!

My Human Meth

My Human Meth

You've turned me into an addict
I'm burning in my personal hell
I go through withdrawal symptoms
The moment you go and walk away
You've turned me into an addict
A junkie looking for the well
of blissful intoxication
Every second away from you
is unbearable torture
I yearn to hear your voice
I long to see your face
The very moment you step away
The angels pack and go away
You've turned me into an addict
You're the object of my obsession;
My unhealthy, unrequited love affair
You've turned me into an addict

The Farm

Once there was a little farm on the western side of a town. It was owned by a nice couple; Mr and Mrs Swine. On this farm there lived a human. His name was Billy.

Billy ws not the only human on this farm. Billy's family lived here too, as well as his friends.
Mr and Mrs Swine treated them nicely; and all in all their life was good. They could graze all they wanted in the green fields under the sun, they slept in warm, comfortable stalls filled with hay, and they were fed well and regularly. In fact, if you passed the farm on any given day, you would surely see Billy and his friends lying on the fields, soaking up the warmth of the sun, patting their portly bellies. Often, Mr Swine would go to their stalls and talk the humans, and they would revel in his attention. They especially loved it when he nuzzled the top of their heads with his snout.

It was a good life, and the humans were always happy. But the farm had its share of mysteries too. For instance, the number of humans never went up - only down. For every two new humans born, two older ones would disappear. It took some time before they noticed that every single human that disappeared was led to that old, gray building behind the red barn. They were led there, but no one ever came back. No one ever thought to question that - that was simply how things worked.

Life was good on this farm. There was plenty of food and lots of pleasant days under the sun. Some humans continued to be led into the gray building. But no one really cared, for after such occasions, Mrs Swine always came out holding bucketloads of food for them.

Then, one winter night, Billy's parents announced that he was going to be a big brother. Billy was overjoyed, of course. He ran outside and pranced in the snow in joyous celebration.

Billy's sister was born one cold autum night, after hours of labor. Billy watched fascinated as his tiny little sister suckled greedily from his mother's breast. He looked on as his tiny little sister held out her tiny little hand to touch their mother's wrist. Her tiny little hand touched her just below that tiny purple mark.

Life continued on the farm, if not slightly better than before. Billy now had a little sister to play with. Often, they would spend their afternoons sprawled together by the stable door, snoozing after their afternoon snack.

Then, exactly one year after Billy's little sister was born, Mr Swine dropped by the stable. He went over to Billy's mother and father, and put a leash on them. Then Mr Swine led them outside, and started towards that all to familiar gray building.

Billy then felt something stir in his stomach. He ran after them and yelled for Mr Swine to stop. Mr Swine seemed not to understand, for he just went on. Billy ran faster to be by his mother's side. "Mom! Stop!" He nearly choked out.

His mother did not even look slightly troubled. "It's alright, son. I've always wanted to know what was inside that building. I'll finally see it now!" Then, without a pause in her stride, she held his head in her hands and kissed the top of his head. Billy saw a flash of purple - the purple birthmark - before she lowered her hands again.

Then Mr Swine stopped. They had reached the gray building. Billy's mother walked inside first, but his father stopped. He turned to his son and said, "Goodbye now. Take care of your little sister." Then he too went inside. Billy watched as the doors closed behind his father.

Billy sat and waited outside for a while before he finally turned back to the stable. The night was beautiful; the stars were magnificent up in the sky. But Billy did not notice anything other than the freezing cold that bit into his very core.

He soon reached the stable, and saw that the other humans were up and about. It was dinnertime, and everyone was excited as usual. But Billy didn't feel hungry. He walked over to his corner and sat there. He sat, unmoved, and stared glumly at the others.

Mrs Swine arrived on time, once again with a bucket of food. The other humans lined up around their plates excitedly, as Mrs Swine dealt out the food. This was done in a few minutes time. Mrs Swine straightened up to observe the stable, and it was then that she spotted Billy crouched in the corner. She filled a plate with food and approached him.

Billy looked up and saw the plate first, and then Mrs Swine. Her smile was so beautiful, and her eyes so kind, that Billy could not help but smile back. He accepted the plate gratefuly and started to eat.

He was happy for a while, then suddenly the emotions related to his parents rose up to the surface, and he choked. He stared down at his plate as Mrs Swine started to pat his head. Then she nuzzled his head with her snout.

For a moment there, Billy thought he saw a purple spot on the meat that was on his plate. But he didn't delve on the thought. Mrs Swine was nuzzling him with her snout, and he loved that.


The story behind this story:

I was in le Biology class, working, when suddenly my muse visited me. She was like, "WRITE THIS STORY NOW!!!" And who am I to go against my muse's wishes? I am but a vessel.

This madness was inspired by the thing I read about cattle being fed dead cattle, supposedly to increase meat production. Fun. But not so fun when you translate it to humans.

15 September 2008

A Short Outburst of Anger

My spirit is calm for two hours every week. The first hour on Mondays, the other hour on Wednesdays.

Then I go home, watch the news, and all that spiritual calm goes right out the window.

I hate Sarah Palin. In this case, the pig should be tossed into a salad and fed to other pigs!!
And McCain should overdose on his wife's stolen pills.

You can persuade with a smile. But you can persuade STRONGLY with a smile AND a gun.
- I-bloody-well-forgot-who-said-it

11 September 2008


[December 21, 2008 EDIT: Once again, I have to edit a post because of incriminating information. This hurts me so much.]

I found this quote... or rather, iGoogle gave me this quote:

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is stoned to death

I can think of several things to connect to that... but I won't elaborate right now. I have a biology test tomorrow.

[Clean up clean up clean up -- something about missing someone -- clean up clean up clean up]

8 September 2008

I Haz A Crush

[December 21, 2008 EDIT:

After careful consideration, I have decided to edit this post. Yes. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth on my part, because I absolutely hate it when bloggers go back to old posts and edit what's been written. But in the end I came to the conclusion that it's all for the best. I have divulged too much information here... *incriminating* information...

The thing is, I feel that very, very soon, I might have to let other people - people who know me personally - read this blog. And sorry guys, whatever I've previously written here; you'll have to personally pry it out of me.]

I haz a crush.

I'm in the early stages, so I feel quite giddy.

[This part is now gone. As I pressed the delete button, I felt as though I had also pressed a knife into my heart.]

A witty saying proves nothing.

[Damn this fucking mantra of mine. It's nigh impossible to get over years of training drilled into your head, I tell ye.]

4 September 2008

Quoth to End

And in my excitement I forgot to post a quote.

What did I tell you; I'm a creature of habit.

Here's my über-favorite line from The Raven.

Then, methought, the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer
Swung by seraphim whose foot-falls tinkled on the tufted floor.
"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee - by these angels he hath sent thee
Respite - respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore;
Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"
Quoth the Raven "Nevermore"

Mobile Uploads

HA! It works! EUREKA!!

Albeit not exactly the way I wanted it to work, but who cares?!! I can now blog from ze road!!

I am procrastinating.

I have an essay to write, and I've sat here for the past hour doing everything but that.

I'm uninspired. My muse is away. She bids me to leave her alone. I hope she comes back before 9 pm, because I really do want to sleep early today.

I always want to sleep early, but I never really do.

I need inspiration and I need it NOW.

Anyways, I'm totally stoked by my new phone... even though it's been "new" for nearly over a month now. I love it! Hail Samsung!


Today we watched a documentary about Greece and its leaders. Twas my History And Philosophy class.

I love Alexander the Great. I know I hate war, and war was Alexander's middle name, but still. I can't help but admire the man. He was brilliant. And I love the conspiracy theories revolving around his death - particularly the Hellebore one.

I should go on and research poisons soon. Because I'm fascinated by them.

Ah well...

I should go work on that essay now. Ciao!

Expect more random posts from me in the future! With this newly set account I can take over the blogging world!!! Bwahahahaha!!

I only hope it won't give me sky-high bills. O.O