30 November 2008

But What If The World Does End?

She bit her lip and held back the tears that threatened to fall. She had long decided that she would not cry. No; she would show him that she was strong. She would show him that she could hold herself together.

Even though at this moment, the only thing she really wanted to do was to let go and let herself break down and cry. Let the tears fall. Let the raw emotions inside her finally come to the surface. Let him know just how much this decision was affecting her... let him see how this decision was in fact, killing her.

But no. She needed to be strong. She needed to hold her ground and keep that everlasting mask in place. It was for the best. Although what exactly this 'best' was, she didn't know. So maybe this wasn't for the best. All this was happening because circumstances decided to be cruel, and there was nothing she could do to change them.

She thought she felt her heart stop beating when her worst fears were confirmed. The decision had been finalized. He was leaving. She had lost him. In the end she couldn't bear it anymore. She had to go... go out of the room, go out of the building - she didn't care. She just had to go someplace where she wouldn't have to lie anymore, somewhere she could be alone and just let it all out.

She ran outside. Tears were streaming down her face. She was having trouble breathing - and it wasn't because of the running. It was because with every breath she took, she became more acutely aware of the jarring pain in her chest where her heart was. It was the worst pain she had ever felt in her life, and yet it was not caused by any physical wound.

With tears still streaming down her face, she eased herself into a sitting position on the grass. She hugged her knees, rested her forehead against them and sobbed freely. Only one thought echoed in her mind - She had lost him.

She raised her head and wiped away the tears with her sleeve. Maybe she was overreacting. He would be back. It wasn't like the world was going to end just because he decided to go.

But just as she thought that, something in the sky caught her eye. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve again; the tears had blurred her vision. She could see it more clearly now.

It was a gap. There was a gap in the sky.

She stood up, thoughts of her recent heartbreak temporarily banished from her mind. She stared at the oddity on the heavens above her. It was lightning shaped, and from where she was standing, she could see that the middle part was pitch-black.

She took a step closer, and realized that the chasm was actually growing.

She didn't know how long she stood there, fascinated by the strange gap above. But she was
suddenly snapped out of her musings when the ground beneath her started shaking. This was followed by an ear-splitting roar; it sounded as though the earth itself let out a massive groan.

People seemed to realize that something was going on. They poured out of the same building she herself had exited earlier. They all milled around her; some were clutching at their companions, some were weeping hysterically, some were talking excitedly into their phones, and some were taking pictures. But all of them had one thing in common; their eyes were trained at the chasm in the sky.

Then the ground shook some more, and there was another groan from the earth; louder this time. The chasm above them grew larger, and bit by bit, the blue sky around it started vaporizing right before their eyes.

The people around her were panicking now. Some dropped on their hands and knees and started praying. Others stood clutching their mobile phones, relaying this current development to their loved ones. Others with much more sense ran to their cars and drove away. A futile action, it would seem. No matter where they went, the chasm would still be visible, and the darkness inside it would still be eating away at the sky.

As for her, she didn't care. She merely stood there and watched the chaos unfold in front of her. She was an island; unmovable in the midst of the sea of panicking people threatening to engulf her.

Why would she care? After all, her world had already ended even before that chasm appeared. This was just making it official.

“There are things that we never want to let go of, people we never want to leave behind. But keep in mind that letting go isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of a new life.”

29 November 2008

Of Threats and Resignation

I'm already resigned to the inevitable.

If it doesn't happen, then good. If it does happen, then dang, suck it up.
I've done what I could.
Granted, I could do more, but I'm a coward. I have no desire for glory.

But that doesn't mean I won't make your life a living hell.
You better believe it.
Every chance I get.
Be it by voodoo or by any other means.

I know you've done nothing, and you're as big a victim of the circumstances as I am, but feck it.

There is happiness for those who accept their fate.
There is glory for those who resist their fate.
- Edel

21 November 2008


Fucking A.


“The sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfillment of that hope never entirely removes.”
- Thomas Hardy

Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting the bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian.
- Dennis Wholey

20 November 2008

Of Disjointed Musings

So the animal corpse we desecrated? I thought it was chicken.

It was actually sheep.

I left the classroom feeling a bit queasy. Ugh.
Fun though.

And the math test. Deceptively easy, at first glance. I thought, "Wow, I know this!" Then I went on and actually tried to solve the problems, and realized that it would actually take more than just knowing them to solve them.

Did that make sense? I don't really care.

Yesterday I read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaleid Hosseini. Fucking A.
Brutally, horrifyingly realistic. I honestly don't know if I like it.
It's like a drink that's been mixed too strongly... I'm sure it's good, but it's too strong for me to actually decipher the taste.

My cat is clawing at my desk. Hmm...

I have a water bottle!
For a very special reason, I can't seem to bring myself to drink the last few milliliters of water in there. xD
Perhaps I should do it now. Refill it tomorrow.
If I die, then this is why.

We watched 'Tristan+Isolde' today.
I thought I would cry, but I did not. For a number of reasons.
One of which was the love-making scenes punctuating every meeting. Really now.

And a snippet of the conversation that took place between my friend and I:

Her: The Irish! They're evil!
Me: No, they're just drunk.

*sigh* the hair... perfect. *sigh*

I have a Spanish test tomorrow. I have yet to pick up the book.
Blah. Whatever. Que sera, sera.
Although there's a very huge possibility that our teacher won't be there, and we shall be free to do whatever we want to do.

This bottle looks really inviting. Should I drink now?
To drink, or not to drink: That is the question.


I'll drink. And I'll type my reaction here.
Already, me heart is racing.

jkhfkjawefhkjhewflkhaw (Reaction prior to drinking)
!!!! (My cat tried to reach for the bottle. I slapped her paw.)
*deep breaths*
fadhfljkawehakh (I still can't do it)
*more deep breaths*
I DID IT!!!!

17 November 2008


I was going to sleep. I really was.

But then these ponderings. Not really worthy of posting, but too good for the trash chute of my mind.

I have a math test on Wednesday, and I'm at ease. I'm too at ease it's making me uneasy.
Why am I not nervous? Not even one bit?
The test material is hard. I should be nervous.

We're going to desecrate an animal corpse tomorrow. Dissection in Biology. W00t!!

I finished taking notes/highlighting the important parts of the last few chapters of The Kite Runner. Run-in sentence, I don't care. I'm like driving on automatic right now.

I'm very disappointed with Amir. Of his decision to give in to his fears and pray on some old make-shift rug.
Not that it helped any.
It's just... it disappoints me, and makes me sad at the same time. Sad because that same situation is unfolding right now, on several different parts of the world. People let themselves be goaded by fear, and bend over.

Think for yourselves. Be strong. Find your own light.


Being religious doesn't mean you're a good person. It just means you go to church.
- Jon Stewart

16 November 2008

Join The Impact

The battle's not over yet.

Join The Impact - visit the site, and show your support!

I hope these wonderful people are granted back their rights.

Marriage should be a union between two people who are in love. Period. I don't care if your holy book says it should only be between a pig and a packet of crisps.

Love. That's all that matters.

I won't say anything more... I'll just direct everyone to this old rant.

You don't marry someone you can live with, you marry the person who you cannot live without.

12 November 2008

Let it be known...

I love avocados.

They made my morning. They made my morning incredibly fantastic.

So I thank you, tiny purple fruits, from the bottom of my heart.

I thank you now, before you become transformed to nourishment my body needs.

I love love
I love being in love
I don't care what it does to me
"Inches and Failing", The Format

11 November 2008

Late Night Inspiration

Why can't we sleep when we're in love?
Is it because reality has finally become better than our dreams?
The waking world has finally matched the splendour of dreams...
Or is it because of our thoughts?
The constant wondering about that special person.
Is he sleeping? Is he awake? Is he dreaming? What is he dreaming of?
Is he dreaming of me too?
Is he thinking about me too?
A constant drone of musings, robbing you of sleep...
Not only that; but every minor sound; every insignificant thing
Becomes a reminder of that person
A small crack on the ceiling, the color of the curtains...
Everything. It's diabolical.
Maybe it's that uncomfortable, pining feeling.
Or a feeling of anxious anticipation.
How can you lie down and close your eyes -
- when you realize that you're separated from your love -
- by 12 cruel hours?
Wouldn't you just lie awake -
- and stare at the clock -
- and will the hours away?
On rare occasions it becomes too much
And you have to get up and write it all down
Your thoughts, your musings, all your wonderings
Aided by the light from a small iPod screen
And then of course you can't go back to sleep,
Because you're writing a poem about why people in love can't sleep...

5 November 2008

Yes We Can!

And a collective shiver ran up the whole world's spine...

A shiver of glee; of glorious anticipation.

A shiver brought on by the knowledge that something historic has taken place.

A shiver brought on by the collective shattering of several invisible walls.

The people of the United States have spoken, and oh, they have done it well.

But I wouldn't know, because I chose to sleep, instead of staying up to keep vigil over the election results.

It was a wonderful thing that greeted my sleepy eyes this morning though.

"Barack Obama: President-Elect"

[...] It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep.
This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that, out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubts and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people: Yes, we can.

3 November 2008

Three Haikus

I am incredibly happy. For several reasons.

Well, several reasons stemming from ONE reason.

Rather than go on a really long spiel, I shall express myself with three haikus...

Like a flower
Trapped in a long desert draught
The rains came

The sun has risen
Four days of utter darkness
Has come to an end

The sky is peaceful
For even the heavens know
The night is over

Yes, I am very happy. :)
The smiley does not do it justice.