28 June 2008

When Movie Titles Tell The Truth

June 27, 2008
Mood: *-*heal the eyessss*-*

So I'm sitting here now, right next to a handkerchief soggy with tears and snot. My eyes feel like they've been brutally attacked by a gang of sandpapers, and I'm only starting to breathe properly through my nose again.

Why am I like this? Simple.

I finally watched 1 Litre of Tears. Or Ichi rittoru no namida, if you want to be hardcore. Or if you want to be even more hardcore,

I've heard of this movie a long time ago, while looking up some Remioromen songs. The plot sounded good, and incredibly tragic - my kind of movie, I thought. But I never got around to watching it. Well, now I've watched it, and I don't regret it one bit. I refuse to recommend it to my friends though, because I know a lot of them cry very easily xD.

Currently I'm trying to heal my eyes by watching (or in this case, listening) to some Dylan Moran comedy. Love love love. I'd listen to George Carlin but then I'd cry even more.

But I digress.

The movie is wonderful. They were not joking around with a title like that - 1 Litre of Tears... you really will cry 1 litre of tears... Although I think I cried 2.

It's very tragic, I know, but it's brilliantly made. It took me through a roller coaster of emotions. One moment I'd be bawling my eyes out, then I'd be smiling tenderly at the next.

What I found the most tragic was that it's based on a real story. Not just based, it *is* a true story. And it's not just Aya's story... hundreds, maybe thousands of people have the same story. They all ask themselves, "What am I living for?" They all dream, they all hope, they all want to live.

"Will I ever get married?" And the doctor said no.

I don't know what I would have done had I been in that situation. Knowing myself, I'd probably off myself that very moment... but Aya... she's a very, very brave girl. I admire her.

At one point in the movie, I stared at my hands through tear-filled eyes and whispered a silent thanks that they were still working...

This movie changes perspectives, ideals and lives. I'm glad to have watched it.

26 June 2008

Food Makes Me Happy

June 29, 2008
Mood: :3

Currently in front of me are three dishes:
- chicken soup (with croûtons and spring onions)
- chicken salad
- roast chicken

And a cup of cold choco-milk (yes, I use cups. Better insulation xD)

And this is the reason why I don't see myself going on a diet... ever.

I love food too much :D

25 June 2008

Teaser Posters and Excuses

June 25, 2008
Mood: *buzz buzz*
[1:59 am]

Boredom + crazy ideas + crazier friends = wonderful things.

I have not updated in ages, I know, and I deeply apologize. School officially ended last week, but I have been crazy busy since the 13th.

June 13 I went to Helsinki, and it was great. It was a conference about Minority Youths in Nordic Countries. Sounds deep, but it was really loads of fun. I learned a lot, met new people, and finally got to do something productive. I can't wait to go again next year.

And then it was a theater appointment, then back to school to get me grades - B average! So I did learn something! :D

And then it was off to a surprise party for a friend who's leaving. I was lamenting though, that it was the start of my summer vacation, and yet i still had to run around and do stuff. Can I escape the deadlines for once??

Then Sunday came, and George Carlin died. :(
That man was one of my heroes. He shall be sorely missed.

And so now my summer plans:
I plan on doing NOTHING!

It's already been crazy this past year. Deadlines! Reports! Exams! Mock exams! Tests! Homework! Appointments! BLAH!

I think I'd just like to do nothing, for a change. After all, that's what a vacation is supposed to be like.

Or maybe I'm just weird.

6 June 2008


I am sick with the flu.

I still feel horrible, but despite that I'm at school.


Btw, stupid classmate has not showed her face here for ages...

3 June 2008

Flu-Ridden Musings About Change

June 3, 2008
Mood: *flu*flu*flu*flu*


I haz teh flu!! Teh summer flu!! It sucks, yeah.

I've been on a manga shopping spree, which has delightfully and effectively emptied my pockets. Well, nearly. But whatever.

Love for YYH has been re-ignited!! Yoshihiro Togashi-sama made me cry yesterday!! My eyes still feel weird.

Anyways, I've started a diary. It goes against my very principles, such as the "leave no friggin evidence behind" thing. But hey, if this life is the only thing I get, I must at least have something to cherish, something to remind me of how I've lived me life.

That, and I've covered some of the pages with stars. I plan on using bunnies next.

I have changed so much.