21 January 2010

In Which The Authoress Experiments With Word07

One can supposedly blog from Word07, but let's see.

First things first – I am bored. Bored out of my fecking mind. And I have a cold!! So suffice to say, I cannot think properly right now.

Is it possible to die of boredom? Or at least be in a boredom-induced coma. I would be so bloody thankful if that were possible.

Anyway, I'm rambling on. I feel as though my thoughts have been chucked in to a blender to make a thought omelette. Nothing makes sense, but strangely enough everything does – if you find the right angle.

I should go…

Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.

12 January 2010

No Pictures, Just Travel

Oh dear.

I've been meaning to update earlier... but life has a way of, well... happening.

They say it's better to be a traveler and not a tourist, because tourists are too busy taking pictures/ videos to actually enjoy themselves. It's true. Dylan Moran said something to that effect - one isn't actually there, cause one becomes too busy taking pictures of everyone having a good time.

Anyway, the reason for that extremely convoluted and shallowly philosophical paragraph is that... As of now, I'm not taking pictures. I'm not filming anything. I'm just being a traveler; backpacking along the unexplored paths of my life. There are many trails, and I have absolutely no idea where any of them lead - signs can be misleading and everything is prone to change. But I wouldn't know for sure until I walk.

I won't use up all my time taking pictures. I'm just going to walk.

I've been walking the sci-fi path lately, and it is such a marvelous experience! I'm more of a geek now than when I first turned this route - I am now able to nod sagely and actually understand the complexities of that wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff. Well - some of it.

In between my last post and this one I watched the season finale of Doctor Who. The first part sent chills down my spine. The second part... well... I bawled my eyes out, as expected. It took a while to get over it, but I'm coming to terms with it now. Tennant is too talented to stay in one show, and at least now he can attend conventions... where fangirls can glomp him to within an inch of his life.

But it's fine now. I'm fine now. Torchwood has come to my aid. I seem to be developing a thing for Capt Jack Harkness, which isn't healthy... quite worrying, actually.

I listed in my new year's resolutions that I will stop reading YouTube comments. Sadly, I broke that rule not long after January 1st, thanks to John Barrowman and his partner Scott Gill. They were so ridiculously cute that I lost my mind and scrolled down to see what other people had to say about them. The good news is that a vast majority of people are normal, fully functioning human beings with actual emotions and common sense. The sad news is that trolls will always speak louder, and that no matter how hard you wish it is still impossible to manually reach out and strangle a person over the internet.

Someday, though... one beautiful day in the future...

Being is the great explainer.
- Henry David Thoreau