23 April 2008

My Rant on Everything (mostly Disney and Religion)

Okay, first of all, I saw on yahoo.com that Miley Cyrus is going to write her memoirs.

Maybe it's just me, or maybe I'm just being too judgemental on something that I don't really know anything about, but excuse me?!

Oh great. Give the 13 year olds something to be excited about.

I guess I just despise anything that's too flowery, too happy, brimming with bubbles and fluffy unicorns and pink hearts. I hate Disney. I never did buy into that HSM craze. Zac Efron looks too unnatural for my tastes. Too tanned, too make-uped, too chiseled. I don't buy it.

And now the real purpose of my rant:

I just went to my mother's room and saw that she and my stepdad were watching "Touched By An Angel". Why anyone would want to watch such rubbish is beyond me. Yeah, yeah. Stories about kindness, chicken soup for the soul and show the world that god sends angels and blahblahBLAH.

But why don't the angels ever appear to Muslims? To Jews? To starving children in Africa?

I asked my mother that once, and she said "The producers just want to keep it simple." I am so not satisfied with that answer mother, I'm sorry. It's rubbish.

There was this one episode where one of the angels got sent to jail and there was this goth kid there. They talked, and much mushy stuff later, the angel was pardoned by god (why he would be mad at something he supposedly created in the first place, and would therefore know how the thing would react, is beyond me. But hey, I'm just a mortal. How could I question the almighty Christian god?)

Anyway, point is, the angel somehow softened goth chick's heart and made her believe in god again.

Uhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... yeah. Yeah. I could poke about a dozen holes in that story, but I don't think I'll bother.

I saw that the episode today dealt with the issue of cloning. One angel said something about "next it'll be humans. Nothing will ever be the same again."

Is it just me, or is it really smelling like some bullshit propaganda in here? Oh good, it's not just me.

Oh hey, don't give me any crap. I know I only saw part of the episode; about 20 seconds to be exact. But I'm only doing as the fundies do! I'm judging something that I've never really bothered to investigate! Now I know why you do it. It's very very easy!

I hate religion. I really do. I mostly hate this religion that I was raised to believe in. I never really did buy into it. Everytime I preached something it kinda felt wrong. I was especially worried about how I smiled every time a fundie was taken down by an atheist or an agnostic or a skeptic.

Maybe because my family was involved in church work, and I had several friends who were too... so I sort of saw what the system looked like from the inside.

I saw that prayer meetings actually involved people stressing to cook and prepare the house to welcome the guests, who were clutching their bibles which preached about living like Christ, while wearing their best clothes. Then they would sip coffee and speak of politics and who did what in the neighborhood before bursting into songs about the holy spirit, and then pondering over what certain verses/gospels mean.

I hate the bible. I've never really tried to read and analyze it before. And now that I am reading it and understanding what it means, I feel the urge to rip it to shreds and stomp on the pieces. I remember an argument I read once from a book someone gave me. A skeptic had asked a believer why we should believe in the bible, when it was written by anonymous bronze age men who were ignorant about a lot of things. The believer said, "well you believe in the multiplication table right? why would you believe in that when you don't know who wrote it?" The skeptic replied, "because it works so well." To which the believer gladly exclaimed "well so does the bible!"

As a young soul, I read that happily and used it whenever I was faced with a skeptic. I used it once in a debate. I now want to go back in time and gently tell my younger self how wrong she is.

In some respects, the believer is right. The bible does indeed work. It tells you to love your neighbor, to forgive your prodigal son, to ask and you shall receive and etc. However, those lessons can also be picked up from any book. From Harry Potter I learned about love; a mother's love, teen love and etc. Harry Potter taught me about responsibilities, about how sometimes we have to choose between what is right and what is easy (thank you Dumbledore.) Harry Potter also taught me how sometimes power can corrupt people.

And also, aside from those good values, the "good book" also taught Christians a lot of other things. It taught them to wage war against neighboring cities because they believed in another god. It taught them not to suffer a witch to live, which of course resulted in the Inquisition. Now I'm only 17. There are a lot of things I don't know yet. But I do know that burning women who you think are witches is a very barbaric thing to do. Of course the church apologized for it... about a couple of centuries later. Of course, they did also finally accept that the earth is ROUND only a couple of decades ago.


I find it very interesting that they burned witches and/or mystics, when prophets and mystics are used a lot in the bible. You'd think that if the book really came from god he'd make up his mind about stuff...

The anger has dissipated. I am utterly relieved... for the moment, that is. Once I pick up the "good book" and read Deuteronomy I'll be pissed again.

18 April 2008


I'm in one of my manic moods today.

I feel restless...

I want to learn hieroglyphics, runes, and Gaelic.

And at home there's this book of Norse mythology I can't wait to get back to!! WAAAIII!!!


16 April 2008

What Will Happen?

The sun is out.


And this morning a black cat crossed my path. First thought: "Is that my cat?? How did she get out?!"

And then I briefly considered a) turning around and going home, or b) standing still and waiting until the cat crossed the path again... to undo the bad luck.

And then I rationalized that the people back in the Middle Ages rarely knew what they were talking about anyways, so I just walked on.

Wait for an update to see how my day goes. Luck or unluck, who knows?


So here is a general overview of my day after the cat appeared:

I arrived about 3-4 minutes late for English class, which is not enough to mark me late. We watched 'What's Eating Gilbert Grape'. Johnny Depp has nice arms. I ate a banana at lunch break. Then I met up with a friend, study period, to work on Social Studies. Object of my affection walked in, but we had to switch rooms so I didn't really get to talk to him. In the other room however, my groupmate, who had previously asked me to work on our Geography homework, was in there. So we finished our Geography homework in 10 minutes flat. I didn't get much work done because I preferred to read other stuff. After that I had the last period free, but instead of going home immediately I opted to go buy some stuffed toy filling or whatever you call it. I got one, but the store didn't have cute buttons but then I figured I might have some at home. Then I start walking home, and when I'm near the house I call my mom, who then asks me to meet up with her in town. I agree, and decide to take the bus at the nearest bus stop. As I turn round the corner, however, the bus drives away. I had to wait 15 minutes for the next one. I got in town before mother, we ate at a restaurant and didn't like the food. Then we went to another cafe and ate dessert, which was heavenly. Then we went home and I started working on Social Studies again.

So there you have it! It was neither luck or unluck, it was just an ordinary day!]


I did see the Pope and President Bush on CNN today. Made me mad. For several reasons. I did flash them both the universal "up yours!" sign, so it's all good.]

12 April 2008

Old Resentments Flammable As Resin

April 12, 2008
Mood: A cocktail of anger, resentment and issues

I just finished doing my laundry, when suddenly long-buried memories attacked me. A normal occurrence, I assure you. But this time instead of cowering in my imaginary corner, I've decided to actually do something about it. I'm going to clear my system.

"...he was finding in Clarice Starling's personality hard and stubborn nodes, like knots in wood, and old resentments still flammable as resin."

You want resentments flammable as resin, Thomas Harris? Well I'll give you old resentments still flammable as resin.

This is for my PE teacher in 2nd grade who told me in front of the class that I failed. What did I do? I couldn't walk like a model in a catwalk.

This is for my first love who repeatedly told me I was ugly.

This is for that girl in my class last year who told me I was childish and immature because I liked Anime.

In fact, this is for ALL the people in my class last year. Who made me feel like an outsider, and who now wonder why I won't talk to them. Well DUHHHHHHH...

This is for my cousin who just looked away smugly while I was literally drowning in front of him. Thank you dear cousin. If it weren't for the leeches at the bottom of the pool I would be dead by now.

This is for my aunt who, after I happily reported that I had gotten in to the school honor list, shot me down and told me that she was "not satisfied". Because I only got the 6th place. Because she got higher grades when she was in High School. Well here's to you, dear aunt. Have you ever tried doing my math homework at least once? Ever tried reading my biology textbook? You can't even handle a computer because YOU DIDN'T HAVE FECKING COMPUTERS IN YOUR TIME!

In fact, this here is for my aunt. Period.

And this is for my grandparents who said the same thing. "Oh. Only 6th place? Who got the first?"

This is for everytime my grandma told me to be like the girl next door who did all the household chores. Apparently getting straight A's in every subject wasn't enough.

In fact, this is for every time my grandparents weren't satisfied with my straight A's and all the medals and trophies I brought home. This is for every time I won a competition and then they told me my hair looked like a bird's nest.

This is for grandpa, who told me every time he walked in on me watching Anime (my only source of happiness then) that I should turn off the TV and read. I already have A's grandpa. What do you want?

This is again for my grandpa, who told me I should break up with my then boyfriend because a) he looked like a stick and b) I was still ugly and would only be pretty on my 18th birthday.

This is again for grandma. After I got into that accident, I went to my friend's house because it was near the site. Said friend gave me ice for my head to ease the swelling. Grandma's first words to me were "Why are you here?!" in a tone that made me feel like going back in time to actually die in that accident.

This is for the guy who sat next to me in kindergarten, who told the principal the drumming on the tables was my idea, even though a) I didn't start it, and b) he did it too. (Yes, by hell I still remember that)

This is for the guy who was in my language class when I first got here in Norway. May our paths cross again so I can properly kick you in the nuts.

This is for my math/science teacher last year, who told me to keep my ideas to myself when I wanted to share something that would make the subject easier for the class. Thank you, dear teacher. That still burns.

So my system is clear for now. There's still a lot of these hidden in the cracks and crevasses of my mind. I hope that one beautiful day, they'll go away. These are the tiny, pathetic memories that by themselves should not really hurt. But they group together, gang up on me and deprive me of peace.

So remember dear reader, to always put yourself in the other person's shoes. You never know when a tiny, insignificant little comment might actually hurt and turn into that other person's personal hell.

8 April 2008

A Matter of Repetition

April 8, 2008
Mood: "blahhhhhhhhhhh"

This happened today:

Teacher: Okay, you are henceforth divided into 6 groups. Group 1 consists of... *starts rattling off names*
(She finishes reciting group member names)
Teacher: Any questions?

(A lot of people ask about their groups)
Teacher: *jokingly* Do you honestly have such sucky short term memories? Wow! *repeats list anyways* Now any questions?
The One: Yes. Which group am I in?

Me: *headpalm* -__-

This happened yesterday:

So congratulate me, dear people. I accomplished what no one has previously accomplished - I .fucking. broke. StumbleUpon!

[EDIT: Damn, it figures that someone else in the internet would accomplish something of the sort. Only in a more epic sort of way.]

6 April 2008

Does Beauty Tip The Scales?

April 6, 2008
Mood: *ranty*

I find that it's so easy to tick me off these past few days.

Like this news story.

What irked me was the statement at the bottom.

“I held the mother, she was really distraught and hysterical,” said family friend Danny Zyskowski. “It’s so tragic that something like this happened to such a beautiful woman.
So what? If she were ugly would it be any less of a tragedy? I'm sure that person did not mean to be such a superficial, shallow bastard but it sure sounds like it. Why was there no mention of the woman's kindness? Of her love for her children?

Another crack appears on my faith in humanity.

That was all, really. Ciao!

2 April 2008

My Desk Is Mine Because It Is Not Yours

To the girl who sat on my desk today,

Please do not sit on my desk.

You have your own desk - as well as your own chair. Sit there. I'm not interested in your ass warmth. If I wanted a warm desk I'd sit on it myself. Or I'd ask someone to do it. Granted I'd probably ask half of the world's population before I ask you, but when I do ask you, it is only then that you can sit on my desk all you want.

And please learn to interpret signals. When the break is over and I'm busy chucking chairs behind you and making noises above what is socially acceptable... it's my subtle way of saying, "Get off my desk you filthy hoebag."

Next time I shall not be as lenient.

May you not sit anywhere near me again.

Sincerely warning you,
The Crazy Authoress