31 March 2009

Oh, My Poor Heart: Part Deux [Update]

Continuing with the "Oh My Poor Heart" series...

Here's a pic of the chocolate flavor I was babbling about...


There are no gods in my coffee cup.
- Tony Lawrence

29 March 2009

The Good Doctor Made Me Cry

Oh Doctor Who... *bawls*

My favorite episode just played. And I be sniffling.

One may tolerate a world of demons for the sake of an angel.
- Madame de Pompadour ("The Girl in the Fireplace")

25 March 2009

Brain Goes Melty?

My day was just weird... T'was full of random meet-ups and serendipity.

I fully expected some indie pop/rock song to start playing.

But aahh... Must leave now before brain goes melty.

Btw, Bear is actually tiny. Here be a piccie for scale.

Lookit him... Hanging on for dear bear life...

24 March 2009

It's LATE!

My brain may be melting...

Look! Tis me with my bear!!

20 March 2009

Oh, My Poor Heart: Part Deux

My mother is awesome.

I asked her to buy me some iced coffee, pictured here in my favorite flavors:

(Aww, no available pics of the newly released Choco one and the Cappucino Lite D:)

As you can see, the packaging is passably tiny and cute. There's about one cup of coffee in each.

Well, mother took the liberty of buying me this:

*cue choir of angels singing Handel's Hallelujah*

Look! It's nearly as big as my head!!

*switch soundtrack to Beethoven's Symphony #9, 4th movement (Ode to Joy)*

This is gonna be brilliant!!

And just to highlight my obsession, here be more than a couple of quotes:

Given enough coffee, I could rule the world.

A morning without coffee is like sleep.

Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation.

I don't have a problem with caffeine. I have a problem without caffeine!

Coffee makes us severe, and grave, and philosophical.
- Jonathan Swift

Coffee smells like freshly ground heaven.
- Jessi Lane Adams

No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness.
- Sheik Abd-al-Kadir

Way too much coffee. But if it weren't for the coffee, I'd have no identifiable personality whatsoever.
- David Letterman

Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee.
- Stephanie Piro

It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity. I bet this kind of thing does not happen to heroin addicts. I bet that when serious heroin addicts go to purchase their heroin, they do not tolerate waiting in line while some dilettante in front of them orders a hazelnut smack-a-cino with cinnamon sprinkles.
- Dave Barry

17 March 2009

This One Will Make Sense, I Promise

That title is a total lie.

So an excerpt from my diary (now in unintentional hiatus):

September 26, 2008

...Then again at lunch. Shame I didn't win.

I wanted to ____!!! ;_;

So here's the plan: I join Mensa, let it slip that I'm in, THEN ____.

I'm hearing comments from inside my head that it's hilarious/sad that I'd go to great lengths just to _______. Ah well.

I just can't bring myself to clarify that, I'm sorry. If you really want to know, message me, and if I like your face, I'll answer you.

And boo to you, voice inside my head - that thing totally happened!

It *is* a bit hilarious/sad that I went to such lengths to be able to do that thing, but hah! It was most definitely worth it!

But I was thinking of a plan to dye one's whiskers green.
- Lewis Carroll

Nonsensical Ramblings

It seems this is one of *those* days...

And I don't feel like specifying any further, thank you very much. So I'll most likely be filling this with nonsense until I feel like stopping.

I like the feel of the keyboard against my fingers. Can typing be considered therapy? It should be, really.

I feel...

I hate it when...

I dislike that feeling.

I... should finish that essay due this Friday.

So bye.

16 March 2009

Sweet Break

Here's a nice break from the impending hectic stuff (of doom)...

I got home and went straight to me room. There I saw a huge (well not really, more A4-sized) envelope sitting atop my laptop. A funny feeling started in the pits of my stomach.

It's from Mensa. I knew it.

Whilst rummaging for the letter opener in my bag, a rush of emotions/ a stream of thoughts churned inside my head.

Did I make it?

I shouldn't expect too much.

What if I passed? Maybe I passed?

If I didn't pass, at least give me a high score..

And so I opened the envelope. And lo and behold...

I passed!

The first (front) page informed me that I scored 44 out of 45, and that gave an IQ of 135!

And that is within 1% of the population, and that I was approved for a Mensa membership!!

So yes! I am pleased!

*We Are The Champions plays faintly in the background*

I'll prob be posting scans of the letter later. Hmm... tongue twister.

There is a thin line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line.
- Oscar Levant

14 March 2009

A Shiteload of Stuff

I see the shitload of stuff that I have to do. They're inching towards me now... taunting me...

But eh, feck it.

I'm loaded with paracetamol and I just want to sleeeeeeep.

11 March 2009

Love Ballad

(I love this ballad. Twas written by Bill Bailey.)

I was alone
My heart was cold
It was a stone
My soul was lonely
Like a stone
There was no moss

And when I danced
I danced alone
But then I did not dance
Because I was alone
So I did not dance

I shuffled through life invisible
To all happy couples
Who would mock me
With their merry laughter
Ha ha ha

The only sound I heard
In my lonely silent world
Was the rusty hammer of my heart
Nailing at the hatred in my soul

But then you came...

And my life was turned upside down
You showed me the beauty
Of the things that I had never seen
Like the snowflake that melts on the eyelash of a startled deer

Or the painting of a dog
That wears a deerstalker and smokes a pipe
That made you laugh so heartily
That I previously thought was rubbish

Or the duck that lands so clumsily on a frozen pond in winter
But the intoxicating power of our love
Transforms this simple act into an anthropomorphic drama
Where Mr Duck’s embarrassed and the other ducks are laughing
“Quack quack quack quack quack”

And then you left

And I have died a thousand deaths
And I will die a thousand more
I thought you were an angel
You turned out to be a whore

And everything is turned to dust
And everything is infected with a plague
When you had to sleep with Craig

'Oh, he's so sensitive'
'He’s got a tattoo'
Yeah, carving your name with a compass in my forehead
Was not enough for you?

The snowflake on the eye of the deer
Has turned to pus
That oozes from an open wound
The deer, now blinded, stumbles into a ravine

The duck lies shredded in a pancake
Soaking in the hoi sin of your lies

The dog has moved from the pipe
To 60 cigarettes a day
And coughs away his life
In the cold neon research lab

Of your betrayal
Of your betrayal

10 March 2009

Sometimes You Can


I have to watch the funny bits now, otherwise I'll cry.

That song... it just had to be *that* song...


8 March 2009

I want to stop caring.

I feel like everything will be much easier then.

Because in the end, nothing really matters, right?

7 March 2009

Lamenting The Loss Of The Ointment

Bloody restlessness is back.

It's like being sunburned. It hurts, it itches, it's uncomfortable... then upon finding a really good ointment, everything is fine once again.

But then once the ointment runs out, well feck, I say.

OR: a much better analogy.

My Vicodin was taken away.

I can only have it now in small, irregular doses. And that's not fun.

(To Vicodin) There you are. Were you scared? It's OK, you're home now.
- Dr Gregory House

3 March 2009

School Websites Were Made For A Reason

Again, our teacher is sick.

Again, first period.

Bloody hell.

A little heads up would've been nice. Even just the tiniest heads up. Just before everyone here hauled their asses out of bed.

But bahhh.

Well feck it. At least I have my Red Bull!!

2 March 2009

Hear Me Half-Whine

I'm here. At school. Returning after winter break.

We're doing nothing. At the moment. Apparently our teacher is sick. A little heads up would've been appreciated. Because it wasn't hard to get up from bed this morning. Not at all. I mean, it's not like it's snowing heavily at the moment.*

(*That was sarcasm, in case the interwebz didn't carry it well enough. It really is snowing.)

I have a packet of iced coffee next to me. It doesn't even have any effect on me anymore. I've become immune! D:

I am trying desperately not to think. So as not to be depressed. Thin line. My toe is across it. If I keep on pondering my existence my whole body will follow.

I have nothing to be sad about. And yet I do.

Where's my Red Bull?

Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.
- Ernest Hemingway

(^ See how I cleverly dubbed myself intelligent. See that? Yeah.)