28 February 2008

Stupid Whale

February 28, 2008
Mood: -one way or the other-

In every class, there is one...

One that makes you wonder what on earth they are doing at school.

One who seems to have left their brain at home.

One who is just plain stupid.

Behold the conversation today between this "One" and my Social Studies teacher.

One: Oh! Isn't it a leap year this year?
SST: Yes.
One: So there are 31 days, right?
SST: Uhm.. no?
One: But doesn't February have 31 days?

Since when, in this planet bound to the Gregorian calendar did February have 31 freakin days?!

And please note - she was completely serious. She used the same tone one would use when stating something obvious... like, "I wear shoes."

Of course, everyone got the expected "WTF?!" looks on their faces. Although a couple of people, and please excuse my language, had a sort of "SLAP THAT HO!!" look.

Should I drop-kick her out the window?

Nah. The concrete might be destroyed. It would be like drop-kicking a whale from the third floor.

26 February 2008

On The Subject Of New Speakers (Again)

February 26, 2008
Mood: Apathetic?

My classmates have no sense of moderation.

One moment they're abusing the new sound system with their blasted rap music, then suddenly they start playing Celine Dion!

Oh shit! They're back to rap music! >_<; I have to evacuate quickly!

I am attempting to go temporarily deaf. Any suggestions?

Help me!!!

25 February 2008

New Speakers And The Hunt For The Urahara Poster

February 25, 2008
Mood: "waiiiiiiii"

I'm sitting in the hallway again.

I had to evacuate from the classroom because some of my classmates started blasting their blasted rap music from the new sound system.

I want an Urahara poster!!


I've been hunting for one since I finished my anime coma the other day.

I must find one. Otherwise I'll die. Yes, yes I will die!!

Oh Urahara, you sexy beast! You deserve to have shrines built in your honor!

Hmm... perhaps I should start a new religion. Urahara-ism? Uraharaian? Uraharanism? Uraharasm? (That rhymes with Caroline's favorite expression... hmm...)

I'll take Uraharanism.

For he is God. And if God is half as smexy as Urahara, then I shall do my best to get to heaven!!


18 February 2008

3 AM Anime Coma

February 18, 2008
Mood: making this face -- :3

It's nearly 3 am.

I am watching Bleach episode 22.

This is the second night of my anime marathon.

I lurve it!! :D or rather; ^_^;;

Oh dang, I've nearly forgotten the peaceful fuzzy feeling anime gives me. I've also nearly forgotten the way I speak to myself while watching anime.

Now I want a plushie. A Kon plushie.

And I now have three more people added to my bishounen list. They are as follows:

- Kurosaki Ichigo (why of course!!)
- Urahara Kisuke
- Ishida Uryuu

I find Ichigo ten times hotter when he's in Shinigami garb.

And Urahara-san is just hot, no matter what he wears. Or does. He's hawt!!

Inoue has HUGE melons. No shite.

I would rant more, except I'm distracted by Bleach. And aww, Subata's crying. Anyways, my goal is to finish season 1 before 5 am. Or whenever. I'm just going to finish it today, before I sleep. Then I'll sleep, and wake up, then eat, then start watching again. xD Never-ending cycle! Yoshi! I should probably buy some Pocky and Mountain Dew while I'm at it. wOOt!!

I can't even look away from the screen, cause I'm watching the Japanese version with subtitles. I do understand a bit now though, thanks to ze Japanese lessons. ^^

Urahara is really hot. I mean really REALLY hot. So is Ichigo, but... sorry Ichigo, I'm leaving you for Urahara. I mean you're hot and all in Shinigami garb, but waiii...

And for the record, I have lost all respect for Ishida. Damn you. You're just like Tokiya-kun from Flame of Recca, but at least Tokiya didn't lose all trace of dignity when he lost.


*cough* nevermind.

And yes. Shame on you, Ishida. Shame on you. Comic relief, I understand, but dang! If you're going to project an aura of self importance all the time, at least keep it up!!

I am seriously going back to my roots. I should start kissing my money goodbye, because I know I'll be using it on anime paraphernalia again.

I want a Kon plushie. I am quite happy with my Kurama plushie though.

Fine then. A Bleach poster would suffice.

I wish there were anime cons in Norway. But sadly, there are none. If there are any, then I'm not hearing about it. It's sad.

I should stop now. I'll rant more when I wake up from this Bleach-induced coma. I should find time to write before I get in a Death Note induced coma again.

[Edit: Crap. It's 3 am. I'm sleeping at 5 am again. Nyuu~]

14 February 2008

Wasting Time

February 14, 2008
Mood: bored

I just finished a math test, and am sitting right outside the classroom. The hallway is silent. If it weren't for the lights, I'd say it was kinda spooky. I enjoy watching the people in my math class go out one by one. I don't know why.

I have 20 minutes to spare until the break. So I guess I should say I have 35 minutes before gym class.

I am bored.

Ah, I just noticed, it's le Valentines Day. Thankfully they haven't made such a big deal of it here at school. In my old school of elementary days, we had to make blasted paper cut-outs of the diapered angel dude floating around shooting people with his potent arrows.

I am seriously bored.

I don't want to have gym today. But hey, I *never* want to have gym. But I have to, sadly.

Oh wow! One more application request on Facebook and I can finally use the "ignore all" button again! Hurrah! This is the one time that I actually want someone to send me an app. request. xD

We saw a movie today in English class - "Rabbit-Proof Fence". It was about 3 Australian Aboriginal children who were forcibly taken from their mothers and brought to one of them settlements.

Allow me to say now that I absolutely, relentlessly, irrevocably HATE our ancestors.

Or wait.

I like the Greeks. Love them to death (no pun..). I like the Romans too. And the Egyptians. Fine then! So I don't hate them. But I disapprove strongly of their utter ignorance.

I'm learning more and more of the atrocities committed by the white people in the past. Of course rage bubbles over me, and then it quickly turns into despair. What can I do? Those people are already dead. The people they treated wrongly are also dead. Descendants from both parts only have a vague idea of the injustices their forefathers dealt with. What else is there to do but move on and ensure that the evils of the past will not happen again.

There are noises from the other room. Are people arguing?

I'm eavesdropping.

But it sounds more like enthusiastic class environment. Bahh...

What was I saying now?

Oh. That. Well yeah, really. I'm done.

10 minutes until break. I better find some other place to sit, otherwise I'll be trampled alive!!

I better go. People are starting to pour out into the hallway. I must look like a tramp sitting here... er, a tramp-beggar, not a tramp in the Irish sort of way.


And do not kill the flowers!! Leave them be and keep the chocolates for yourself!

11 February 2008

To Babble Or Not To Babble

February 11, 2008
Mood: (T_T)

This blog post is going to be unstructured.

I like cheese.

There are too many delusional people in the world. Sasquatch playing the role of a God? We are in dire need of optometrists, I swear.

Chris Rock cracks me up. Same goes for Ellen DeGeneres. I love Ellen. Go her!

I find it funny/annoying that when I actually want to talk to people, they are NEVER online. What's up with that?

My teacher saw me opening this website today. He realized that I had a blog, and looked soooo interested. I'm bracing myself for the moment he asks for my blog URL, since it already happened with a different teacher last year. On one hand I want to delete all the incriminating posts, but on the other (winning) hand, I don't really give a flying shit because it's my blog. Hurray for freedom of speech!

Friendster wants to be MySpace. Now it wants to be Facebook. MySpace wants to be Facebook. It doesn't give a rat's ass about Friendster. Facebook doesn't really care about either two.

Rock balancing is great.

Sylvester Stallone's arms are disgusting.

I like potato chips.

I resurrected my second shot at NaNoWriMo and read it. I'm pretty impressed, really. If that story had been written by someone else, I'm sure I'd be nagging them day and night for an update. But as it turns out, I'm the writer, and I know that no matter how much I nag, I'll never listen to myself. I'm just like that.

Chinese food kicks ass. I love Chinese food.

My new-ish teacher seriously has the same voice as Umbridge. It's kind of irritating.

Why is no one online?

Ah well. Ciao.

PS: Valentine's day is coming up. Prepare for a rant... or not.

PPS: I actually thought the protest against Scientology would garner more media attention. I'm actually kind of disappointed, cause I was so stoked about it. But ahh... I guess media people are just plain sissies. They'll gladly cover Lindsay Lohan throwing up at rehab, but the protest against Scientology? Nooooooo....

9 February 2008

Chain Letters And How I Fight Them

February 9, 2008
Mood: f*cking pissed off

In a previous rant, I expressed how much I detested chain letters. I hate them. I really do. I hate them with a passion.

I also said that I don't have New Year's Resolutions. Well screw that. I now have one. From now on, I'll answer each fucking chain letter so that people will be discouraged from sending me more. I already started yesterday.

And just now, I saw this monstrosity in my inbox.

Date: 02/9/2008 3:41 am
Subject: read
If you would say no, IGNORE THIS,

That is just the start of a very looooooooooooooooooooong chain letter meant to inform me that God loves me. Or no, I should be more specific - that the CHRISTIAN God loves me.

Have I mentioned that just last week, all the bull and crap I've been forced to live with has finally gone to my head, leading me to finally take the plunge and turn my back on being a Catholic? Yes, the crazy authoress is now an agnostic.

So needless to say, when I opened that thing, I was very, very, VERY pissed off.

EXTREMELY, especially pissed off because I had received the very same letter yesterday.

I replied to that same mail yesterday with a very irate message, telling them to either send me a real message or bugger off...

Now I replied to that message again.

I told the person who sent me the email that NO, I do not believe in the Christian God anymore, etc etc etc...

And then promptly directed her to evilbible.com.

I think I'll keep on doing that from now on.

6 February 2008

A Long Overdue Rant

February 6, 2008
Mood: calm

Pausing just a bit to say, zomg - I'm calm? ZOMG, I am calm!! xD

After days of turbulent, raging, sea of emotions... I'm calm! Hurray!!


I am posting to talk about Avril Lavigne.

This is a long overdue rant, I know. Hence, the title. I've been meaning to write this when the song "Girlfriend" came out, but as usual, procrastination won.

But enough excuses.

Avril Lavigne is a very good example as to why we should never EVER trust MTV. I admit it, I like some of Avril's songs - notably, Happy Ending. You could even say I was a fan. But then again, no. I was never a fan. I only liked 3 of her songs, really.

I'm not really familiar with her life story. But it seems that in the Sk8ter Boi music video, MTV saw her make this sign;

And so the executive monkeys of MTV were like "Whoah! Hardcore! She made the punk sign! That means she's punk! And she's all... punky and everything. How can we market this? Well, she's a girl... I know! Let's call her 'Punk Princess'!"

See what happens when you let monkeys run your business?

I don't feel like elaborating too much on this subject. Point is, they called her Punk Princess, and the public ate it up. I myself was blinded by this, until one day it clicked. Punk is about not conforming to anything. It's about fighting the system, if you will. Songs made by real punk bands are usually heavily laden with political issues and the likes. Avril's songs...


Emo did not yet exist at that time, yet that is the only word that comes to mind right now.

And so it hit me. Little miss Punk Princess is just a poseur.

I didn't really mind that much. Until this happened...



What kind of abomination is that?!

It hurts me to watch that. And I'm not even punk. It's just... the dance, the cheerleader moves, the über-cutesy-ness... and the pink! The pink! OMFG - the pink!

It's horrible. It's... it's...

Sid Vicious would be rolling around his grave right now, if he sees this.

Actually, no. I think he'd get up, straight from the land of the dead, just to stop this crap from happening.

And now I'm at a loss for what to say. I probably should sleep. But I have this text that has to be memorized by tomorrow. Ah well. I'll cram at lunch break.


PS: MTV is a conglomerate of primitive primates. Do not trust them. True, they are fun to watch, but it doesn't mean you have to believe them.

5 February 2008


February 5, 2008
Mood: completely and utterly exhausted

I must be insane.

I just spent the most part of my day writing two separate essays. All in 5 hours or so. And now I'm setting myself up to write some more... No, no more essays. Just this.

I can't help but notice that I'm making more spelling mistakes than usual... A sign?

I'm tired. I'm really really tired. It's not good for me to be tired. Cause then my guard is down and my personal demons all attack me.


I miss a person, and I miss him terribly. I like spending time with him, yet when I'm with him I can't wait to escape. I hate the way I miss him, because the moment I get to be with him I feel too awkward and just want to push him away.

He called today to ask me about something. After I hung up, I held up my phone in front of me, pushed the "end" button twice and then yelled, "I MISS YOU!!! :'("

This was supposed to be a funnier and longer post. But I've said what I needed to say, and I'm really tired. And I'm being attacked. So I say, goodbye for now.

3 February 2008

1 February 2008

Rain, Snow and Wind

February 01, 2008
Mood: Freezing

Yes. I am freezing.

It is snowing and raining outside and the heaters are not on. I'm sitting right next to the window.

I'm at school, btw. Geography class. Our teacher really reminds me of a children's program host. Too energetic it's unnatural. Ah well. Better than one who makes you sleep, I guess.

It really is freezing. I'm cold.

But then I look through the rain-soaked window, and I see the snowflakes gently floating around amidst the chaos of wind and rain...

I'm reminded once again why I love winter so much.

True, those three elements will once again form those blasted slushies on the ground... But hey. At least it looks pretty when it's falling.