22 June 2007

My Graduation Was Sucky, I Vultured Last Night, and Hannibal is Rising

June 22, 2007
Mood: *content*

Alright... so a lot of stuff has happened...

I've graduated. In what could possibly be the suckiest graduation ceremony I've ever had the misfortune of experiencing. [Sorry, this is my blog. I'll write what I want.] I mean, yeah. I know the 'toga' thing is not as popular in European educational systems as in the American system... but really. The school authorities could've put a bit more effort or something into the program. Oh, the disorganization.

So yeah. I've graduated, officially out of high school. I'm just thankful that I didn't kill myself halfway through the school year [I wanted to. Many times. Depression is a bitch.]. I dunno. My high school years have gone by in a blur. I don't actually think I've learned anything worthwhile... and I've missed out on a shitload of experiences. I didn't get to go to a prom with my best mates, didn't get to finish school with my best mates, didn't get to cry and dream of the future while enjoying the last day of the school year with my best mates. Instead, I get stuck in a school where everyone is the very embodiment of everything I hate. Wonderful. Fantastic. But ah... screw em anyways. I did get to spend the first 3 years of HS with my best mates so... it's all good.


I slept at 4:30 am CET.

But all is good. Cause I got to vulture Micah! Yay for me!!

What is vulturing? Well, to put it in a nutshell, it is basically annoying the snot out of an MCer until they finally update.

Don't know what I'm talking about? hmm... unfortunately, I am in no mood to explain right now, so... I'll save that for later.

But siriusly, last night was possibly the most fun I've ever had in ages!! The people in the chatroom were so nice. Finally felt a sense of belongingness... which is a breath of fresh air after this past year.

I love the PiPa chatroom.

And I am sooo going to ask Jamie for a birthday shout out. I dunno if I should try to chat with him in AIM or MSN or somewhere... I think I might die the moment I see his display name or something. But I really want to talk to him, so. Yeah.

Oh, and Eric Scull, you are one sweet, sweet man. Yay for you Spielerman!


The main cause of my happiness today? [Not counting the euphoria left from pulling an all-nighter just to vulture Micah...]

I finally found it! The book!

Hannibal Rising!!


Yeah. It may mean nothing to you, cause your local bookstore might already be teeming with copies of this awesome, awesome masterpiece. But for me who lives in a place where the booksellers continue to commit sacrilege and translate these modern masterpieces until not a single drop of the writer's original intentions are left... this is a big thing!

So I'm off to read now.

Hannibal Lecter... I adore him so much. =P


Okay. I would really love to post something more substantial than this... Something less random, perhaps. But I am going to travel halfway across the world in a few days, and I'm completely useless right now. I'll try to be funnier and more entertaining next time. I usually am, mind you. So yeah.

19 June 2007

Hilarious Video

June 19, 2007
Mood: *varying between extremes*

OMG... I was browsing i-am-bored once again, and found this gem. Now I can't stop laughing... oh, god, my sides are splitting!! >_<;; Watch it!! One little thing though, make sure you've paid your insurance or something like that... cause you're gonna die laughing, I swear to god!! Now move your pointer over this baby here and click away!!

16 June 2007

Brilliant Argument About Global Warming

June 16, 2007
Mood: tired and worried

Okay. So I visited i-am-bored.com today, excellent site, BTW. And then, I found this video.

To put it in a nutshell, there's this guy in the video who presents a very compelling argument about, well, global warming.

Watch it. A part of you will change afterwards, I assure you.

14 June 2007

Exams, Filthy Rooms and Wisdom Teeth

June 14, 2007
Mood: bored

I just finished my exams. Yay for me!!

So now, my room looks like a disaster area. I think cleaning up will keep me busy for a couple of days. Right now, clothes, both clean and used, are strewn all over the room. Papers are scattered all around... my bookshelf is a mess... my bed hasn't been made for days... yeah.

I don't know. It's kind of a mystery. It's a propensity for all warm-blooded, normal, human students to have a filthy room during exam time. It's kind of an unwritten law, really. Maybe it's because the messier your room is, the more intelligent and hard-working you seem? Like, it shows that you have no time whatsoever to clean up because you are devoting each and every waking hour to studying for the exam...

And I so want to write a lot of stuff... but I'm feeling too lazy to do so. I'm drained, people. Besides, all four of my wisdom teeth are growing simultaneously right now, and it sucks. Especially the two on the left side. The one at the bottom keeps throbbing like hell... and the one at the top is causing a sore at the inside of my cheek. I hate it. I'm going to get them both extracted as soon as possible!

This is making no sense at all right now. Ah well...

See ya next time I update... whenever that might be.

"How do you clean a dirty soap?"

4 June 2007

More About Me

June 4, 2007
Mood: calm

Hello. Welcome to my blog. This is where I spout all the randomness that my little mind is capable of producing.

My name is Alyssa. I am Asian, and proud of it. But currently I live in Europe.

I am a geek. I love anime.

But then again, no label actually fits me. Sometimes I wake up a bit emo-ish. Sometimes a bit gothic. Sometimes a bit nerdy... so yeah.

I am a Cancer. That alone should give you an image of what my personality is like.

So yeah... you'll be hearing more from me soon.

And before you ask, yes, I do have an account on MySpace, I just don't use or update it. :)

Have a nice day.