24 November 2009

Over 7,000 Words

Whilst fuming today, I came to realize that I become exceptionally cranky when I don't get enough sleep. Add stress and lack of caffeine to that mixture and the Large Hadron Collider suddenly seems like a waste of funds. You want The Big Bang? I'll give you The Big Bang.


Iced milk tea in Hong Kong. I miss it so much.
Both the country and the drink.

Greentea milkshake. Not in Japan, sadly.
It was fantastic nevertheless. I also miss it.

Ice cream formed like tiny beads! I used to have this as a child, but the country I live in now doesn't have them. Needless to say I relished every 'dot'.

Fun fact:
I nearly killed someone while purchasing this ice cream. As you all know, I train Karate. I went up to the booth and placed my order, and did not know that there was someone behind me. I moved to get my wallet from my pocket, and elbowed a lady in the chest. That move is a Karate technique, and I could've actually stopped her heart.
Sorry about that.

Fancy a hug, luv?
From last winter. Fun with the exchange students.

My first proper Espresso!
It led to a colorful day.

We had to watch some boring movie. My friend brought snacks.
This happened.

With my favorite teacher at the back.
You see that inconspicuous coffee cup at the right of this thumb-Harry?
Yeah, that's to blame.

Men are driven by testosterone, women are driven by Toblerone.
- Jo Brand

18 November 2009

All Out Now

God I feel so elitist!

There's a bunch of people here talking about Twilight and it annoys the hell out of me.

See, the thing is, I was among the early Twilight readers. I finished the whole series before these feckers even knew it existed. *I* am the reason that our school library has the damn books. *I* requested them.

And now I hate it, while everyone loves it.

I sit here damning the casting director to hell, while everyone squees at how 'omgsoperfect' the choice for Edward is.

It's quite sad, really. I liked the series. I really did. LOVED it even. I absolutely adored Edward - pined for him, even...

And then the movie came along, and it was as though my eyes were forced open.

It's a stupid, STUPID story. Seriously.

The premise itself is idiotic: why would a 900+ year old vampire want to go to high school? Has he nothing better to do? Surely he's surpassed high school education! Why isn't he out somewhere working - or at least doing something more productive?

And what happened in the first book? Wasn't the first half of that dedicated to describing how Bella falls down at any microscopic piece of dust that lies in her path? There was absolutely NO plot at that point - it was just Bella and Edward declaring their undying love for each other after she fell down and he said he wanted to drink her blood. What kind of mental illness does that child have? Stockholm syndrome? What - WHAT?? I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years, Twilight becomes linked to a rising number of abusive relationships. (Nevermind if your partner wants to kill you - the important thing is that you LUV each other. And make vampire babies.)

And DON'T get me started on Breaking Dawn. That book is an abomination for anyone who has any basic knowledge of biology.

I now see Twilight as Stephenie Meyer's thinly veiled attempt to recreate her High School existence.


You can't be wise and in love at the same time.
- Bob Dylan

15 November 2009

Statements and Being Shipwrecked

I have to write a personal statement for university... It's not as easy as I hoped it would be. I want to come off as mature and professional, but so far I've written several drafts (in my head), and I always end up sounding like a pompous, arrogant brat.

So yes. I think I need to put this off until later. Next Tuesday, most likely. I shall then consume ungodly amounts of caffeine to speed up the process.

Whilst discussing this issue with my dear friends, the one who resembles Mufasa told me I should finish it as soon as possible because he wanted to read it. He then asked, how much do you love yourself?

I replied;

I love myself to the point of refusing to let others eat me in the event of a shipwreck.

And it's true. If such a situation arises, I would drizzle my dying self with poison. Because if those feckers want to eat me, I'll be taking them down with me, thank you very much.

I'm really happy with that answer. I hope this means my creative dry spell is coming to an end!

Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting.
- John Russell

14 November 2009

This Authoress Hates Something and Plays Games

I hate gym.

I totally, absolutely, unequivocally HATE gym. I've already ranted about this before (look here), so this won't really come as a surprise to anyone.

What is that subject for anyway? I understand the need to balance schoolwork with physical shite, but isn't it enough that students have to lug huge, heavy bags filled with books up several flights of stairs? Besides, if students really wanted to exercise, then let them do so on their own free time! Don't force them to run a marathon*, lift a car* or wrestle with a lion*, and then give them an F if they fail to do any of those things.

(*all these things are exaggerations... or are they?)

What schools seem to fail to comprehend is this; sometimes, it's enough to be smart. It's enough to be able to solve complex Physics equations without having to write with a 10 lbs piece of chalk. If that were the case, we wouldn't have Professor Stephen Hawking - we'd have Professor David Beckham.


In other news...

I haven't been updating much, have I? Yes, I noticed that too. 1 update for September, and 1 for October. It's quite sad.

In my defense - I was swamped with schoolwork. Reports, presentations, tests and homework and all that. Oh, and facebook games.

Facebook games are EVIL! At first you think, it's just a game - it couldn't possibly do any harm. But then you find yourself caring more and more about it with each passing day. Then suddenly, you find that you're level 30+ on some pet/restaurant/wizardry game and your days seem shorter.

I am at the very least, proud to say that I don't play Farmville. Even though I just created a character for that one last night. I won't play it, honest. It was just part of a deal with my friend when she agreed to be my neighbor in Pet Society (we both need the coins).


I wish I could write something more substantial here, but I've got nothing. Yet.

My blogging skills are rusty. I shall start posting more regularly again. Expect me every Tuesdays, cause that's when I've got loads of time on my hands.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
- Noel Coward

2 November 2009

You Shall Read This And Nod Sagely

The danger of knowing too much is that things tend to become boring and meaningless.

Several times during the course of our lives, we'll find ourselves in situations where the urge to lie down and give up becomes overwhelming. Some give in. Others march on, without really knowing why they do so.

Hemingway was right; wise people can never truly be happy. They can't stop marching - they're too curious as to what lies ahead. But at the same time, they've already figured out what lies ahead, and know that the march is futile at best.

Times change. But most of all, people change.

Life: so many mysteries to uncover, so little time. All for the best, maybe. If mankind obtained the answers to all their questions, what then would be the point of living?

Her realm is close, and can be visited; however, human minds were not made to comprehend her domain, and those few who have made the journey have been incapable of reporting back more than the tiniest fragments.
- a description of Delirium (The Sandman: Season of Mists, "a prologue")