23 July 2008

To Forsake

I hereby announce that I am officially forsaking a part of my childhood.

This part of my childhood is none other than Harry Potter.
I forsake it because I just finished reading The Lord of The Rings. Truly, an epic masterpiece.

I care for Potter no longer. I do not compare it to The Lord of The Rings, as many others before me have done. No. I merely discovered that after reading the glorious, fantastic, magnificent tome that is LoTR, I find no more space in my heart for the boy wizard. Am I saddened? No, not really.

Also, the producers of the LoTR movies obviously puts in more care and devotion.

May it be mentioned here that I am proud that I finished reading all the books in 3 days. One for each.

Also, for the record. I no longer fancy Legolas. I pledge allegiance to Aragorn son of Arathorn, Elendil's heir of Gondor. Elessar.

That is all.

19 July 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is my birthday.

Rather uneventful.

My inner cynic says it was shite, and that I should stop bullshitting myself because I really did not enjoy myself.
The inner realist says it was quite mediocre, but not that bad.
The inner optimist says at least I got to buy stuff I like.
And my inner crazy person says it was a good day.

I listen to the cynic. The cynic is always right.

No I did not have a party. Did not even have friends over, because nearly all my friends do not in fact reside in this country. How many friends do I have here? 2? 3? 4?

One turns 18 only once, and it's supposed to be a huge thing.

Well let's just add that to the list of things I did not experience.

And I wish people would quit sending me birthday messages with "God bless you". Next person who sends me that, I'm kicking him/her in the stomach.

I'm not happy.

That's all.

16 July 2008

I don't like complaining. Complaining never really solves anything. Plus it's irritating to listen to someone complain. And I always feel bad, because I know that whatever I have to complain about, someone else out there has bigger problems. But right now I'm so angry and sad that I just have to let it out.

I don't think I'm the kind of person who asks too much. I understand my limits. I get it when I'm told that I can't do something, especially if the reason's good enough.

Ma, we're already not going to Chicago. We're already not having any party for my18th birthday. We're already not going anywhere I want. Everything you've explained to me I listened to. Surely me asking to keep my favorite kitten up until after my birthday isn't too much, is it?

And in addition to this, Firefox crashed twice.

Not fair.

12 July 2008

To Be Or Not To Be (Selfish)

July 12, 2008
Mood: --A concoction of angry, sad and indifferent--

I don't like my life.

Yes, I am in one of those moods again.

Maybe it's because I'm tired of trying to understand everyone and everything. I'm sick of accepting whatever limitations are in my way, and not forcing others to give me what I want. I'm probably sick of seeing selfish people whisk by in front of me, already clutching the things they want because they were (surprise surprise) selfish enough to just grab what they want.

I try, but I can't do that.

I'm about to turn 18, and I've got nothing to show for it. This sucks. I CAN complain, because honestly, I feel that I at least deserve a bit more, but I also CAN'T complain because there are a lot of people out there who deserve a lot more than I do, and yet don't even have anything.

I don't really want to be here.

I should probably stop thinking this way, as it leads to that slippery slope. And it's hard to climb back up once you fall down there.

Still I can't help but wish for another life. I already know which life I want. It's a hundred times more difficult than my own, but also a thousand times easier to deal with, a whole lot more satisfying, and definitely a lot happier.

I'm having a mid-life crisis at (almost) 18. Wonderful.

4 July 2008

Random musings

Try as I may, I can never reconcile our paths.
We were never meant to walk side by side more than once.
But maybe, someday, our paths will cross again.

I miss you.

That there applies to more than one person. But I'm not telling.

I hate the sun.