20 October 2009


...and I have to procrastinate!

Hello, hello. Nearly a month has gone since my last update. Things have been pretty hectic. Tests here and there, reports to write, projects to finish, presentations and all that jazz. In addition, this so-called thing called 'life' appeared and dragged me off to various places.

What has happened since my last post, hmm...

There was a Mensa conference, which was fun. The one thing I loved the most was that I could be as incredibly awkward as I wanted to and no one batted an eye. I love my people. It was a fecking IQ-test though, to find the place. I failed that test, seeing as I have the navigational capabilities of a blind tortoise lying on its back. But this story craves another post altogether, and frankly, I don't have the time.

The weekend after that I went to this anime conference. Twas fun! Once again, I love my people. I loved the looks on the ordinary people's faces as they walked past the queue. If facial expressions could speak, theirs would've likely said "WTF is happening??!" I can't blame them. It's not everyday you see Batman, various anime characters, vampires, zombies, ninjas and Darth Vader standing in line outside a building.

Booty shall be listed some other time.

And oh, yeah. This happened:

Omg I found my father!!!

So basically, I've got a bunch of books I want to read, a bunch of TV shows I want to catch up on, a bunch of anime series I want to watch and etc. But I can't...

...because of T.E.E.S.

But all is not lost, for I have found a new ally! Her name is Coffee, and she is my friend.

Gotta go now, I have a test tomorrow and 21 pages left to read.


PS: We watched Persuasion (2007) in English class, and it's safe to say I've fallen in love with another one of Ms Austen's men. I also loved a line from the blurb at the back of the book... So melodic, so beautiful. It shall be my parting quote for now.

A love story tinged with the heartache of missed opportunities.